Communist Action in Times of Low Tide- Francisco Martins Rodrigues [translation]

    How can the communists ensure that the everyday movements and immediate demands of the masses begin to accumulate revolutionary forces, even in this period of triumph across the...

What, How, and How Much to Produce [translation]

Editor's Note: Controlavoro , which ran from 1977-1980, was a magazine produced by the Porto Marghera Workerist Group and was collected and published online for the first time...

The Crisis of Developmentalism (1994) Ruy Mauro Marini. English Translation

Translator's Note. Born in 1932 and part of an academic milieu that developed the Marxist theory of dependency (MTD) in the 1960s and beyond, Ruy Mauro Marini is well-known...

Blood and Earth (1958) Bamaw Tin Aung. English Translation.

Editors Note: In 1958, barely a decade after independence from the British Empire, the Burmese political system collapsed. At the heart was an irrevocable split within the Anti...