Strangers in Their Own Land: Psychology of the American Conservative

A review of Strangers In Their Own Land: Anger And Mourning On The American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild I wanted to do this review after thinking how the...

Moderate Rebels say the Tatmadaw are the good guys!? is this...

I’ve followed the Moderate Rebels podcast for years now and it’s generally been a breath of fresh air when it comes to geopolitics. The hosts, Max Blumenthal and...

Kung Fu Yoga- China and India on a Collison Course?

When Chinese president Xi Jinping visited Ahmedabad, the state capital of Indian state Gujarat, in September 2014 there was expectation of newfound cooperation between the China and India....

Kill are Peemies- How the Post-Left ‘Got Got’

Adolph Reed caused a minor uproar recently with an off-hand comment about one of his fellow theorists, Angela Nagle: she ‘got got’ by the reactionary side for writing...

Can Dengism Outmaneuver Capital?

As things stand the argument is not so much about the current tate of affairs; not many would argue that China is a fully functioning communist utopia. Rather,...

Red Shift- Interview with ‘Redman’ from Norway’s Rødt Party

In September, Norway went to the polls and the result, as many had been predicting, was a leftwards shift, with the incumbent Conservative Party losing their governing seat...

What, How, and How Much to Produce [translation]

Editor's Note: Controlavoro , which ran from 1977-1980, was a magazine produced by the Porto Marghera Workerist Group and was collected and published online for the first time...

Towards a New Settlers: A Review

Of all the words in the English language, there are two that, when put together, can cause an instant fit of infighting and discord amongst the left: labor...

Socialism not Multipolarism!

Multipolarity, as an existent term, is a signifier of the current global economic conditions of the world in regards to the current dominant powers that own and transfer...

A Commie Joins an Erotica Writing Group

My friend is attending an erotica class because he has a sex scene in a book he's writing and I tagged along. It's a zoom class and we...