ROOD IS NIET DOOD- The struggle for democracy in the Dutch...

Communists. Hacking. Conspiracies. Purging of opposition. Dynastic party leadership. Intimidation of civilians. Illegitimate elections. Labeling opposition as Trotskyist infiltrators. Young radicals. Accusations of terrorism on national television. Does...

Communist Action in Times of Low Tide- Francisco Martins Rodrigues [translation]

    How can the communists ensure that the everyday movements and immediate demands of the masses begin to accumulate revolutionary forces, even in this period of triumph across the...

Labour Under Corbyn- an interview with Prapimphan Chiengkul

Prapimphan Chiengkul’s book Labour under Corbyn (Palgrave 2021) takes a neo-Gramscian look at the UK Labour Party under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. This approach is rooted in...

International Workers’ Day needs a soft reboot to make a comeback

While International Workers’ day used to be an important part of the workers movement all over the world, this is no longer the case in many places where...