The Dispossessed of Sudan and Global Capitalism
The story of the modern state of Sudan isn't too different from that of other African countries born out of the pores of the old, bloated corpses of...
A Brief History of Nigeria’s Left
The Prolegomenon
Calibrated as a quasi-feudal petro-state, the history of Nigeria could be told as a story of post-colonial capitalism. Yet there has always been a strong current of...
Munkástanácsok in the Midst of the 1956 Revolution
“To be liberated by others, whose leadership is the essential part of the liberation, means the getting of new masters instead of the old ones.”1 - Anton Pannekoek
The Democratic Foundations of Marxism
The communist and broadly socialist project have been marred by claims that it leads from workers power directly to authoritarianism. This claim has been echoed by both right-wing...
Moderate Rebels say the Tatmadaw are the good guys!? is this...
I’ve followed the Moderate Rebels podcast for years now and it’s generally been a breath of fresh air when it comes to geopolitics. The hosts, Max Blumenthal and...
Is the UK a Managed Democracy?
'Managed Democracy' is a term usually used to refer to the variously oligarchic post-Soviet eastern European govts that have sprung up in the wake of vast privatisation, and...
Burma’s Democracy Façade Has Broken – Coup Or Not, Ethnic People...
From Karen News:
It’s taken 10 years for the veneer to finally fall off Burma’s military-backed democracy. The military’s made its intentions clear in the early hours of Monday...
Friends, Coffee, and Genocide- The Limits of “Globalization”
There for us
“Chandler is the most interesting character imo. At the beginning of the show he is already rich and is closed off emotionally, and actually is the...
Red Shift- Interview with ‘Redman’ from Norway’s Rødt Party
In September, Norway went to the polls and the result, as many had been predicting, was a leftwards shift, with the incumbent Conservative Party losing their governing seat...
Kung Fu Yoga- China and India on a Collison Course?
When Chinese president Xi Jinping visited Ahmedabad, the state capital of Indian state Gujarat, in September 2014 there was expectation of newfound cooperation between the China and India....